Best Tool For Cutting Small Trees

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Written By Janine Clarke

I am Janine Clarke AKA Equipment Girl, a nerdy girl with an unhealthy knowledge about power tools and gardening! You can contact me here.

Small trees are often the ideal addition to your garden or outdoor area. They are less imposing than glorious trees, which have grown considerably, but smaller trees still require maintenance to look good. Also, if you don’t care for minor trees, you risk their health, which could harm people and their surroundings.

So, you need to know how to prune and cut short trees, and having the best tools for the job is essential. This guide outlines the critical factors to consider when caring for a small tree and will point you in the right direction concerning the leading tools for pruning, cutting and sawing a smaller tree.

What Is A Small Tree?

While there is no universally agreed definition of what height a small tree grows to, a range of opinions help you classify your tree or trees. The consensus is that trees that can grow to a size between 12 and 24 ft are small, with anything above that being a medium tree.

Of course, you get trees much smaller than 12ft, both in full stature and when they’re growing, and how you tackle branches and limbs on these trees is different from how you cut thick branches on mighty trees.

Then again, height isn’t the only issue to consider with a small tree; you need to consider how thick it is. Some minor trees have large branches and bodies, influencing the best cutting tool for maintaining them. A small tree is likely to have a width at a breast height of up to 14 inches in diameter.

If you bear these dimensions in mind when considering the capabilities of specific tools, you’ll be well-placed to select the optimal cutting tool for your needs.

Best Tool For Cutting Small Trees

Shears Are A Vital Tool When Dealing With Small Tree Branches

Shears are a catch-all term for a range of tools used to cut growths on trees and flowers, vines, and vines. Whether you call them pruners, secateurs or clippers, this handheld tool easily cuts through branches and twigs around one inch thick.

There Is A Variety Of Pruning Shears To Consider When Cutting Trees

Different cutting actions are available on ratchets, bypass shears and anvil pruners, and you can tailor your choice of tool to the most common growth on your tree. A bypass tool acts similarly to a pair of scissors and is commonly associated with cutting stems. With an anvil pruner, you have a straight blade that is ideal for dry branches and stems.

One method is better for you, or you feel more comfortable with a cutting method. If you can try the different models out at a friend’s house or in a hardware store, do so, and choose the option that feels best for you.

A Hand Pruner Is Also Useful When It Comes To Dealing With Modest Trees

There is no denying the comfort, convenience and familiarity of hand pruners save a lot of time in the garden. This lightweight device has a grip designed for safety and to allow you to apply pressure when required. Leading pruning tools come with safety features such as a locking mechanism, helping you care for your garden and trees without placing yourself at risk.

Pruning Saws Help You Manage Small Trees

A pruning saw is another essential tool to consider with a small tree. This tool gives you a greater degree of cutting power and control than a standard pruner. Some pruning saws come with a curved blade, ideal for cutting the base of trees, cutting branches and pruning trees in general.

Manual Hand Saws Are Ideal For Smaller Branches And Rotten Trees

If you have preferred tree cutting techniques, be sure to choose a product that helps you work in this manner. A high quality pruning saw with a comfortable handle can make all the difference in pruning plants and sawing large branches.

Pruning Saws Make Life Easier When Maintaining Trees

With small pruning saws, you can carry it around with you in the garden, allowing you to carry out cuts and repairs any time an issue arises. This is a great way to carry out ongoing maintenance, which further reduces the need for power tools. With handy tree cutting tools, you can do a little bit each day, reducing the need for significant maintenance work.

Trimming tree branches facilitates better growth, so having pruning shears and saws close by will bring short and long-term benefits to every property.

An Extended Pruning Saw Is Often Helpful In Reaching A Low Down Tree Branch

Some pruning saws come with a telescopic reach. This may not be necessary for a small tree, but it depends on the user. If you are tall and don’t want to get on your knees or crouch down to deal with parts of the tree that are close to the ground, a telescopic reach for your pruner or pruning saw comes in handy.

Low Down Tree Limbs Can Pose Problems For Some People In Cutting Tree Branches

The same goes for tree loppers. This device is intended to cut wood above your head, but it can deal with a low-hanging tree branch. If your device has sharp teeth and allows you to reach areas you would otherwise struggle with, it is worth considering.

With a pruning saw, you are confident of dealing with thicker branches of around 5 inches in diameter, so if you have a moderately challenging task ahead of you, this is an ideal option. If you find a pruning saw is unable to give you the cutting purchase you require,

Electric Saws Give You More Power To Deal With Tough Branches

If all you have is small trees, there isn’t much need to invest in high-power cutting tools. You might like owning a chainsaw, but these will be too wieldy and expensive for your needs. If you have a broad range of small, medium and tall trees to contend with, you can invest in more powerful equipment, but for short trees, think about what represents value for money.

Sometimes Power Tools Are Helpful In Dealing With Smaller Trees

However, some people will benefit from an electric saw. If you don’t have a lot of time to care for your garden area or lack the strength and energy to manually see through thicker branches, an electric saw is a handy addition to your range of gardening tools.

Leading brands such as Black & Decker are the clear choice for handheld electric saws, but there will be options for most budgets and needs. Anyone looking to make light work of stubborn yet short trees will appreciate having more power in their tree cutting tools. The Scorpion saw is a fantastic way to cut trees quickly, with a changeable blade length.

Traditional Cutting Tools Can Also Work On Small Trees

While you might consider axes, hatches, or specialist saws like a bow or a crosscut saw better suited to large trees, many minor trees are thick and sturdy. If you are dealing with a slim tree with weak branches and a small diameter, choose from the cutting tools listed above.

However, for a small tree with tough branches and a large base, don’t be afraid to go for something more potent if it will make your life easier.

The Right Tool Makes Light Work Of Large Branches And Cutting Trees

You’ll need to generate most of the power with an axe or hatchet, which is sometimes tough when pruning thick branches. The sharp blade is practical for splicing wood and chopping off limbs, but you need to be able to swing it. If you want more assistance in powering through bark and timber, a saw you rock back and forth will help you achieve great results. You can also check out our article about the best tools to cut tree branches and the best tool for cutting hedges.

Safety Equipment Is Vital, Even With Modest Trees

As with all cutting equipment and sharp blades, you must prioritise safety, which is still the case when dealing with minor or slim trees. You should wear protective gloves to enhance your grip, and it is worthwhile investing in goggles.

If a thin branch or growth comes off the tree and hits you in the eye, it can cause severe damage, so protective equipment is a sensible investment for all work of this nature.

Cutting trees and removing tree branches is tough, even when managing smaller trees. The right tree cutting tools make life easier, especially when you have a reliable sharp blade. For most people, pruning shears and saws are adequate in caring for minor trees.

However, in some cases, more significant options like bow saws or high powered tree cutting tools make sense, even if your tree is small. Check out our post also about arthritis garden tools.